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Showing posts with the label [MarketEdge]

Building physician loyalty in the New York state market

Healthcare systems in New York face several challenges in boosting physician loyalty. Physicians' desire for competitive compensation and affiliation with dominant systems influences their decisions. Additionally, physicians' preference for larger, urban settings over smaller, rural areas complicates efforts to distribute medical talent evenly across regions. Addressing these challenges requires tailored strategies to effectively attract and retain physicians.  In this blog post, we’ll look at key physician loyalty trends. We’ll also examine how Sg2’s MarketEdge platform can help identify ways to improve physician loyalty in your organization.   New York healthcare market trends: Research on rural vs. urban physicians In 2012, the Center for Health Workforce Studies, within the University at Albany’s School of Public Health, compared physicians working in New York City to those in rural areas. The study, “ Rural and Urban Physicians in New York ,” found that:  There are ...

Healthcare Market Analysis: Understanding Market Share Data

In recent years, healthcare market disrupters have increased their activity and deepened their presence. While not all disrupters are negative, healthcare market analysis significantly changes healthcare operations. Understanding disrupters' prime targets, service strengths, technology integration and local market dynamics is crucial. Leveraging healthcare market data and hospital market share analysis is essential for identifying competitive threats and opportunities and allows healthcare organizations to adapt and thrive amidst these disruptions. Actionable Data for Targeted Results With access to healthcare market analysis and advanced forecasting capabilities, healthcare organizations can make better-informed decisions with previous trends and outcomes. Here’s how data-driven insights can be leveraged to improve efficiency, enhance patient care and optimize resource allocation. Identify Growth Opportunities: Spot potential merger opportunities and understand outmigration to su...

2024 healthcare strategic planning: 3 new data tips

Hospitals and health systems understand the importance of diligent healthcare strategic planning. It enables them to monitor their markets while evaluating potential challenges and opportunities. However, without the right healthcare data at their fingertips, these initiatives can be more time-consuming and less efficient. How are players in the healthcare industry using data in 2024 and beyond to drive their strategic planning efforts? Let's look at some pain points hospitals and health systems are facing. First, hospitals and health systems must contend with recurring data challenges related to interoperability, accuracy and privacy. Secondly, to keep up with a changing consumer landscape, providers must adjust workflows and projects based on new industry data. We've detailed each challenge below and provided three strategies to combat them. What data to use in your strategic planning 1. Claims data When it comes to strategic planning in healthcare in 2024, providers must wid...

Key strategies to combat market disrupters in healthcare

In the last three years, market disrupters in healthcare have increased their activity and deepened their presence. Although they bring about change, not all market disrupters are negative. Using the strategies discussed in Market Disruption: Threat or Opportunity , we’ll walk you through nine tactics to help you leverage disrupters. What are market disrupters? Market disrupters are defined as any person, product or idea that radically and permanently changes the way an industry operates, according to Western Governors University . Healthcare market disrupters use multiple strategies to address challenges like physician burnout, patient satisfaction and electronic health record shortcomings. While not all disrupter solutions succeed, new care models and technology-enabled value-based care platforms have gained traction. Currently, hospitals and health systems are tailoring their strategies to reflect: disrupters’ prime targets; current service strength and diversity; and local market d...

The 3 must-ask questions to grow your service lines

Market position is a moving target, and COVID-19 made that target even more unpredictable. The patients who walked through the doors at hospitals, doctor’s offices and surgery centers pre-pandemic are different from the ones coming through them now. “The rising acuity of patients coming back is just much more complex, much more fragile,” notes a recent Sg2 forecast of service line trends. “Fluctuating volumes and inconsistent surges have made planning really difficult.” In this environment, hospital leaders must ask three key questions, which are listed below, with answers related to four service lines: cardiovascular, neurology, cancer and orthopedics. 1. What does the market look like today? Hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers in New York state have a tremendous advantage when it comes to understanding their market position. They have access to the Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System , a core data set that allows facilities to compare their clinical, discharge an...

The right data mix for facility market planning

Strategic growth requires knowledge of how key healthcare industry drivers impact your market. Understanding factors such as population demographics, economics and competitors in the marketplace enables you to make sound decisions about how and where to provide care. With so many global pressures on healthcare, it’s important to remember a crucial industry principle: healthcare is local. Better data ensures your local lens is as clear as possible. Assess your data capabilities How you assess your strategic planning data mirrors how you should assess your market: start from the inside out, maximize the resources you have, and identify and fill the gaps. A few key questions include: Which data sets already deliver strong service line insights? How can we leverage this data to identify more savings, growth and care redesign opportunities? What data is needed to make expansion decisions related to patients, services, settings and provider partners? For New York hospitals and ambulatory sur...

Five ways to understand and move your market position

The last three years have forced health systems to realign services; first, to address the demands of COVID-19 and later to meet pent-up demand for care, all while addressing community health needs, competitive positioning and right-sizing of services. With the pandemic as a catalyst, today's healthcare market is increasingly influenced by new business models aimed at delivering superior healthcare experiences. Healthcare is seeing a rapid shift to consumer-centric care models — fundamentally changing how healthcare systems compete for market share and revenue.  Is your health system constantly asking: Are there service lines that we should add or remove? Are there physician groups that we should align with? Are there hospitals with which we should align? Should we add a new facility or program based on the shift of procedures to outpatient? Strategic planning is vital for revenue growth. But what do you need to know to get there? To truly understand and move your market position, ...