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Showing posts with the label EOM performance

3 analytic drivers to monitor Enhancing Oncology Model performance

Many CMS value-based care models seek to improve care coordination and reduce Medicare fee-for-service spending through episode-based payment and practice transformation. The agency’s new Enhancing Oncology Model applies these objectives to cancer care. There are many good reasons for any oncology practice to join EOM and improve the delivery of cancer care to its patients. But value-based care also raises the stakes. Participation alone doesn't guarantee success. Using analytics helps providers “trust but verify” ─ to not simply believe they are improving care quality and reducing costs, but know where they stand through tangible metrics. This blog post explores three best practices that help ingrain analytics in EOM practice, redesign and performance. How to anchor analytics for EOM performance 1. Estimate episode target prices for financial analyses Financial realities dictate whether practices join EOM, under what risk arrangement and if it's for the long term. Participati...