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Showing posts with the label Health Equity Impact Assessment

Health Equity Impact Assessment: 3 FAQs on impartial data

Sourcing impartial data is an essential step in conducting a Health Equity Impact Assessment. In this short FAQ, DataGen’s Melissa Bauer, principal healthcare informatics analyst, explains:   impartial data in relation to health equity assessment and advancement;   why impartial data are needed; and   how impartial data help hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers and other providers evaluate how healthcare proposals may or may not impact underserved communities.   FAQ 1: What are impartial data?   Third-party data sources and independent entities are to provide impartial data. These data provide an accurate understanding of the potential effects of healthcare initiatives while helping to ensure that supporting data points and, ultimately, decisions are not biased toward the provider. An example of impartial data would include the underserved/marginal population rates for the service area of contracting providers.    FAQ 2: Why i...

5 Key Health Equity Impact Assessment Components

New York enacted legislation last year requiring healthcare providers to contract with a third-party, referred to as an independent entity, to define if and how some proposed projects will impact health equity. Hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers and other facilities must now, for many projects, provide a Health Equity Impact Assessment conducted by an independent entity as part of their Certificate of Need application. To help your organization complete these new requirements, we've highlighted five essential HEIA components. Read on for a distilled HEIA summary. Plus, learn how experienced assessment partners can facilitate successful expansion, amplify the community’s voice and improve health equity.  Health Equity Impact Assessment requirements Effective June 22, 2023, hospitals, ASCs and other Article 28 facilities in New York state must submit HEIA documentation with their CON applications. For projects requiring an HEIA, providers’ contracted independent entities must use ...

5 fast facts on New York’s health equity impact assessment

As of June 22, 2023, New York state hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers are among the New York Article 28 facilities that must file Health Equity Impact Assessment documentation when submitting a Certificate of Need application. The goal of this change is to “provide information on whether a proposed project impacts the delivery of or access to services for the service area, particularly medically underserved groups,” according to the New York State Department of Health . To help you better understand the CON HEIA requirement and its impact, we put together five fast facts to get you up to speed and ready to tackle the new requirement. Multiple facilities are subject to the new requirement Under the new requirement, the following New York state Article 28 facilities must complete an HEIA requirement criteria form to determine whether they are subject to the new equity assessment: hospitals; ambulatory surgery centers; nursing homes; select diagnostic and treatment centers; and mi...