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Showing posts with the label Disproportionate Share Hospitals

2024 IPPS final rule announced: 3 changes you need to know

In August, CMS published the final Medicare Inpatient Prospective Payment rule for the federal fiscal year 2024. Most changes announced in the proposed rule were adopted and several are significant, including: Disproportionate Share Hospitals payment cuts; and a Rural Wage Index recalculation with diverse impacts. In this blog, we’ll cover these updates, the IPPS rule's total payment increase and how CMS continues to prioritize health equity in its rulemaking. The most significant IPPS final rule impacts 1. DSH UCC pool payment cuts For FFY 2024, DSH uncompensated care pool payments will decrease by $595 million due to decreased funding projections and a big adjustment to Factor 2 (see below), even though the DSH methodology is the same. This means DSH hospitals will need to find a way to recoup these losses, a challenge given the disadvantaged areas where they operate. If Affordable Care Act Marketplace plan enrollment continues to increase, Factor 2 cuts will continue. DSH UCC...