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Showing posts with the label Medical Practice Consulting

New York’s 1115 Medicaid Waiver: PCMH Enhanced Payment from CMS

On Jan. 9, the Biden administration and CMS approved New York state's $7.5 billion Medicaid Section 1115 demonstration amendment. This New York Health Equity Reform amendment includes nearly $6 billion in federal funding, effective until March 31, 2027.   Using these funds, "NYS seeks to build on the investments, achievements, and lessons learned from the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) 1115 waiver program to scale delivery system transformation, improve population health and quality, deepen integration across the delivery system, and advance health-related social need (HRSN) services," according to the New York State Department of Health .  Under CMS’ 1115 waiver, participating New York state primary care practices with Patient-Centered Medical Home recognition from the National Committee for Quality Assurance are eligible to receive increased Medicaid Incentive Payment.   Specifically, under Population Health, one of the three main NYHER progr...