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Showing posts with the label Medicare Cuts Analysis

Potential Medicare changes 2025: Provider payment impact analysis

The implications of Medicare payment policy changes can be both significant and complex. For healthcare providers, hospital administrators and policy analysts, understanding these potential adjustments is essential for financial planning and advocacy.   DataGen’s recently released 2025 Potential Medicare Changes Analysis report offers an in-depth evaluation of how proposed changes could impact Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) payments across various care settings, including inpatient hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies and more.  Here’s a breakdown of the key findings and insights from our report, providing annual impact estimate breakouts for all proposals from 2026 to 2035.*  What DataGen’s potential Medicare changes analysis covers  The potential Medicare changes analysis reviews Medicare payment scenarios policymakers are considering to achieve long-term deficit reduction and improve payment policies. It evaluates the financial impact o...

Navigating the Impact of Medicare Cuts on Hospital Providers

Federal legislative and regulatory measures enacted since 2010 have fundamentally altered Medicare provider payments — and consequently, the operational landscape for hospitals across the United States. As part of an ongoing dialogue on health policy reform and fiscal strategy, it's crucial for hospital administrators and healthcare professionals to understand the breadth and depth of these payment adjustments.  That's why DataGen released the Enacted Medicare Cuts Analysis as part of our legislative analyses suite, which is intended for advocacy purposes only.  We looked at the extent to which hospitals have been impacted by existing Medicare provider payment cuts that Congress has enacted to achieve Medicare payment policy and/or long-term deficit reduction goals. The impacts shown in this analysis include the major cuts enacted since 2010.  In this blog, we'll cover the enacted legislative cuts, enacted regulatory cuts and quality programs analyzed in the Enacted Medi...