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Showing posts with the label ARQH

Five secrets to a successful Survey on Patient Safety Culture™

Doing something the way you’ve always done it gets you the results you’ve always gotten. When it comes to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s Survey on Patient Safety Culture™ (SOPS®), is that enough? Not in today’s competitive, post-COVID-19 market. Your SOPS® scores matter far beyond basic compliance with The Joint Commission and other accrediting organizations. With the public’s growing awareness of patient safety issues, an unfavorable reputational impact can quickly spread across the patient and provider community. Here are five secrets designed to help you get better SOPS® insights, improve your scores and transform your organization. Start by asking yourself a few simple, direct questions: What is your current SOPS® response rate? Is it near the minimum required response of 60%? Has your hospital’s rate stayed in the same stubborn response range for multiple survey cycles? “One and done” will get you nowhere. Results are only worthwhile if your staff can easily subm...