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Showing posts with the label API

CMS offers Advance Investment Payments to strengthen MSSP equity

  Authorized by the Affordable Care Act and established in 2012, the Medicare Shared Savings Program is one of CMS’ first accountable care organization models. For the first time in MSSP’s history, the agency will offer payments upfront to encourage more providers to participate. The new Advance Investment Payments option for MSSP participants will begin with performance year 2024. Who is eligible for Advance Investment Payments and what do they receive? Per the CMS AIP guidance , Advance Investment Payments delivers a one-time $250,000 payment upfront to eligible providers who might not otherwise participate in value-based care. These models require substantial infrastructure investments (e.g., technology, staffing, data and analytics partners). CMS will also offer additional quarterly payments per beneficiary per quarter for the first two performance years if the ACO has met MSSP eligibility and compliance requirements. AIP is only available for ACOs who: have never participated ...