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Showing posts with the label APM

Your introduction to CMS TEAM Model financial risks

What are the financial risks in TEAM?  Hospitals are preparing for the launch of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM) in 2026.   To help you understand both the opportunities and financial risks for participants, DataGen put together a comprehensive white paper, CMS Transforming Episodes Accountability Model Financial Risk Guide.   [Access it Now for Key Updates]  Keep reading for highlights of what’s inside.   Exploring the goals and structure of CMS TEAM Model  CMS TEAM Model is designed to enhance care quality and cost-efficiency. It aims to revolutionize how hospitals manage patient care over 30-day episodes for specific surgical procedures by holding them accountable for the quality and cost of care delivered.   As seen on CMS’ Transforming Episode Accountability Model overview fact sheet , this model not only seeks to improve patient outcomes, but encourages hos...

What you need to take home from the NAACOS conference

Everybody knows: Conferences aren’t just about what you learn but who you meet. Anyone attending the annual National Association of ACOs conference this week in Baltimore should take full advantage of the experts in attendance. This will include executives from leading accountable care organizations, private payers and CMS. NAACOS 2023 will zero in on what you need to know now and who best to learn it from. That includes the industry partners who have helped build incentive-generating infrastructure for the past decade’s most successful ACOs. Analytics first, last and everywhere If there’s any question as to what ACOs need to succeed with alternative payment models, simply look at the topic of NAACOS’ opening session: advanced analytics. There isn’t a single aspect of value-based care that doesn’t happen without analytics: better prevention and primary care; enhanced care coordination; managing risk; benchmarking; and a stronger bottom line. NAACOS sessions will detail these topics wi...

3 Strategies for PCF Success

The 2022 Primary Care First performance year is underway, does your practice have the necessary steps in place to maximize returns and avoid negative payment adjustments? Participating in the Primary Care First model offers the opportunity to enhance patient care and reimbursement, but it also comes with risk. Practices face negative payment adjustments if they fail to meet certain utilization and quality thresholds. Learn more about the three strategies you can employ for PCF success in our new infographic, and access a checklist of all the steps you can take to enhance outcomes, track requirements, and continuously measure performance.

3 Strategies for KCC Success

Kidney Care Choices has begun and participating dialysis facilities, nephrologists and other healthcare providers are on their way to improving care for patients with end-stage renal disease. Does your practice have the necessary steps in place to maximize returns in the Kidney Care Choices Model? Each of the options for KCC participation offers many benefits, but the rules are complex and participating presents financial risks. Learn more about the three strategies you can employ for KCC success in our new infographic, and access a checklist of all the steps you can take to enhance outcomes, track requirements, and continuously measure performance.

What to expect from CMS’ second decade of APM programs

CMS has introduced more than 50 innovative care delivery models designed to drive health system transformation over the last decade. Only six of those produced significant savings; of those, only four met the requirements to be expanded. As the second 10-year period of the program gets underway, which includes $10 billion in new funding, CMS’ Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation is considering numerous changes to improve the overall success of these programs and, in turn, drive overall gains in care outcomes and health equity. When evaluating what has worked in the past and what changes are needed moving forward, it is important to review what success looks like for Alternative Payment Model programs.  CMMI relies on three benchmarks to measure levels of success: The gold standard: improving quality of care while simultaneously reducing expenditures. Improving quality of care without impacting expenditures. Reducing expenditures without impacting qual...

How to prepare: Radiation Oncology Model billing guidelines

Commonly asked questions about the Medicare Radiation Oncology Model billing guidelines What are the billing guidelines for the Radiation Oncology Model? RO Model participants must submit claims under the existing Medicare claims system according to the RO Model billing instructions described in the CMS final rule . In addition, RO participants must submit “no-pay” claims for all radiation therapy services furnished in the episode. What are the approved cancer types? The RO Model covers 15 cancer types. These cancer types are commonly treated with radiation therapy under nationally recognized, evidence-based guidelines and are associated with ICD-10 codes that have demonstrated pricing stability. What are the approved modalities of treatment? Modalities covered under the RO Model include three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy, intensity-modulated radiotherapy, stereotactic radiosurgery, stereotactic body radiotherapy, proton beam therapy and image-guided radiation ...

Your guide for navigating Alternative Payment Models

Alternative payment programs are critical to payment and care delivery transformation. CMS is introducing new alternative payment models that provide opportunities to deliver better value of care and support healthcare innovation in the years to come. Rising healthcare trends should be taken into consideration when evaluating new APMs. Yet, keeping ahead of which programs offer you the greatest opportunity can be a major challenge. DataGen put together Navigating Alternative Payment Models: A User's Guide , offering insights on the participation categories—and detail on programs within each category—this resource can help you determine the best course for your organization’s future. Download our user's guide to learn about new APMs, implications for providers and data-driven strategies for successful pro gram execution.

The Future of Healthcare: Top Trends Providers Need to Address Now

As we emerge from a global pandemic, accountable care organizations must address key new trends now to maintain progress toward value-based care and mitigate financial risk.  Analytics are key to helping ACOs gain a better understanding of trends so they can identify opportunities to drive quality improvement. These trends include: gaps in access to clinical care;  shifts in patient volume; increased demand for virtual care; and  social determinants of health challenges.  To better understand rising trends and actions providers should take, we will reach out to hospital and health system leaders to discuss how recent trends influenced their decision to adopt value-based contracts. Then, during our July 28 webinar, we will release a comprehensive market report on these trends and implications for the future. Preventing gaps in access to clinical care Advanced payment models incentivize ACOs to deliver high-quality care and close gaps in care for patients, thereby earn...

ACOs must act now to get ahead of MSSP changes

Redesigned MSSP program The Medicare Shared Savings Program, one of Medicare’s largest alternative payment models, allows providers and suppliers the opportunity to form an Accountable Care Organization. It was redesigned in 2018, establishing “Pathways to Success” as a way to restructure participation and encourage ACOs to transition to two-sided risk models.  As part of this rule, a BASIC track was established for ACOs to begin participation under an upside-only risk model and to incrementally phase into a two-sided risk model through a glide path. The glide path is composed of Levels A through E, in which there is progressively greater financial risk and potential opportunity for savings.  It is critically important for ACOs to understand how their level of participation in MSSP will change in the coming years. COVID-19 impact on MSSP advancement The COVID-19 public health emergency has disrupted efforts to improve population health and care coordination, and has resulted i...

Three more years of CJR: What participating hospitals need to know

On April 29, CMS issued a final rule to extend the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement model by an additional three performance years. A number of modifications effective in the extension period aim to improve the model and reflect Medicare policy changes over the last several years. CMS anticipates that CJR will save the Medicare program an additional $217 million over the extension period. The following summarizes the most notable model changes: Three new performance years have been added: PY 6 will include episodes that end between Oct. 1, 2021 and Dec. 31, 2022; PY 7 will include episodes that end between Jan. 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023; and PY 8 will include episodes that end between Jan. 1, 2024 and Dec. 31, 2024. Episode definitions under the model have been expanded to include total hip arthroplasty and total knee arthroplasty procedures performed in the hospital outpatient setting. The episode categories under the extension are site-neutral and are defined as: MS-DRG 470: ...

Primary Care First update

The initial cohort of the Primary Care First model went live on Jan. 1.  Cohort 1, represented by 822 practices and 14 payer partners, is offered in 26 regions across the country. Over the six-year PCF demonstration period, CMS will test whether advanced primary care practices can improve patient experience and quality, reduce total cost of care and manage risk through performance-based payments, while decreasing the administrative burdens and increasing financial incentives for a primary care practice. PCF puts particular focus on comprehensive care coordination and the doctor-patient relationship. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation announced several PCF model updates in the last few weeks: The Seriously Ill Patient component of PCF, which would have gone live on April 1, has been postponed until further notice and is currently under review. The SIP component was established for practices that could focus on patients with complex chronic needs and fragmented care patt...

Three lessons learned from the past year

It’s been a year: a year since the first lockdowns and a year since the landscape of healthcare in the U.S. changed forever. While we’re still evaluating the impacts of the pandemic on healthcare policy, we now have seen enough data to assess the effect of the past year on alternative payments models and how participants are reacting. It’s been reassuring to see the strength of APMs has broadly held steady, as has the resolve of the participants in those programs, despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s what we’ve learned this year, along with what (we think) those lessons can teach us about the future. COVID-19 has not stopped the progress of APMs — but it is delaying it. COVID-19 has extended the period of some programs, like the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement and Oncology Care Model, and delayed the start of others, like Kidney Care First and the Radiation Oncology Model. This is, in part, a function of an overwhelmed system. As policymakers and healthcare org...

The Benefit and Burden of Payment Reform

The challenges and benefits of bundled payments and risk-based arrangements is one of the biggest issues facing the healthcare field. Kelly Price, DataGen’s Vice President and Chief of Healthcare Data Analytics, and Stephanie Kovalick, Chief Strategy Officer at Sage Growth Partners sat down to help shed some light on ways to succeed with bundled payments and risk-based payment models. Read more about this conversation in our new installment, “The Future of Payment Reform: How can providers, patients, and payers benefit—and who bears the burden? ” 

The Future of Payment Reform: Two perspectives on making the most of key initiatives

As we look ahead to 2017—a year that’s sure to bring changes to the way healthcare is delivered under the new Trump Administration—Kelly Price, DataGen’s Vice President and Chief of Healthcare Data Analytics, sat down with Stephanie Kovalick, Chief Strategy Officer at Sage Growth Partners, to provide expert perspective on the current and future states of payment reform. Download