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Showing posts with the label Legislative Analyses

2022 Enacted Medicare Cuts Analysis

DataGen’s 2022 Enacted Medicare Cuts Analysis shows how hospitals have been impacted by existing Medicare fee-for-service provider payment cuts enacted by Congress to achieve Medicare payment policy and/or long-term deficit reduction goals. This analysis is provided to DataGen clients for advocacy purposes only . The impacts shown in this analysis include the major legislative, regulatory and quality cuts enacted since 2010 and are described below.  Enacted legislative cuts analyzed: Medicare marketbasket, Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital and quality adjustments authorized by the Affordable Care Act of 2010; note that for this analysis, quality adjustments are broken out into their own category;  the effect of the 2.0% across-the-board sequestration reduction to payments authorized by the Budget Control Act of 2011, and the 4.0% sequestration reduction resulting from the calendar year 2021 triggering of the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010 (PAYGO);  inpatient c...

One-year estimated state impact to hospitals of 340B cuts for FFY 2021

The 340B Drug Pricing Program allows qualifying hospitals to offer affordable prescription drugs to financially vulnerable and fragile patients by purchasing outpatient drugs from manufacturers at a discounted rate. These hospitals then can reinvest the savings in their services. In 2018, CMS issued a final Outpatient Prospective Payment System rule that reduced by approximately 25% the reimbursement for certain drugs that hospitals acquired through the 340B Program and then continued those cuts in 2019 through 2022. HHS' 340B cuts are currently being challenged through a lawsuit with the U.S. Supreme Court.  This analysis includes the continued 3.19% budget-neutral adjustment and the 340B reduction (Average Sales Price minus 22.5%) that was identified in the Standard Analytic File with the “JG” modifier, resulting in a net impact. DataGen has analyzed the budget neutrality adjustment and 340B cuts utilizing the 2019 Standard Analytic File showing the potential impact to 340B hosp...

Impact analysis: Enacted Medicare cuts

DataGen has completed its analysis of enacted Medicare cuts, the results of which are shared here. Please note that this analysis is intended for advocacy purposes only and should be used as an indication of the extent to which hospital providers nationwide have been impacted by existing Medicare provider payment cuts. These cuts were enacted by Congress to achieve Medicare payment policy and long-term deficit reduction goals. This DataGen impact analysis includes major cuts enacted since 2010. The enacted legislative cuts analyzed consist of: Medicare marketbasket, Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital and quality adjustments authorized by the Affordable Care Act of 2010; note that for the purposes of this analysis, quality adjustments are broken out into their own category; the effect of the 2.0% across-the-board sequestration reduction to payments authorized by the Budget Control Act of 2011; inpatient coding adjustment reductions authorized by the American Taxpayer Relief Act of...

Estimated impact of OMB’s metropolitan and micropolitan statistical area standards

On Jan. 19, the Office of Management and Budget requested public comment on recommendations for changes to OMB’s metropolitan and micropolitan statistical area standards. The recommendations, made by the Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Area Standards Review Committee, included increasing the minimum urban area population to qualify a metropolitan statistical area from 50,000 to 100,000. The analysis assumes that Core-based Statistical Area lines, state rural floors and rural wage indexes remain the same as they were with the federal fiscal year or calendar year 2021 final rules. It does not include any recalculation of wage indexes by CBSA or adjustments to the rural floor, which we recognize would directly impact all providers. An estimated impact on hospitals moving from urban to rural within the 144 effected CBSAs in the U.S. shows some states gaining, while others lose funds. If adopted, this would likely start in FFY 2025. The recommendations are published in the Federa...