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Showing posts with the label PPS rules

What to know about CMS’ 2022 rules

Key takeaways from five final and two proposed rules from CMS CMS adopted five final Medicare Prospective Payment System rules for FFY 2022 and proposed two rules for calendar year 2022. DataGen has interpreted and analyzed each of the final and proposed rules to help you gauge how these changes may impact your organization.   These rules include regular updates to the wage index and other significant items listed below. The Inpatient PPS final rule includes the following proposals: rebasing and revising the IPPS marketbasket and the Capital Input Price Index from FFY 2014 cost report data to FFY 2018 data; rate increase (+0.5%) for the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 coding offset adjustment; nonstandard adjustments to hospital wage indexes (for eligible hospitals) including bottom quartile adjustments, a 5% wage index “stop-loss” and the reintroduction of an imputed floor policy as mandated by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021; updates to Medicare...

Impact analysis: Enacted Medicare cuts

DataGen has completed its analysis of enacted Medicare cuts, the results of which are shared here. Please note that this analysis is intended for advocacy purposes only and should be used as an indication of the extent to which hospital providers nationwide have been impacted by existing Medicare provider payment cuts. These cuts were enacted by Congress to achieve Medicare payment policy and long-term deficit reduction goals. This DataGen impact analysis includes major cuts enacted since 2010. The enacted legislative cuts analyzed consist of: Medicare marketbasket, Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital and quality adjustments authorized by the Affordable Care Act of 2010; note that for the purposes of this analysis, quality adjustments are broken out into their own category; the effect of the 2.0% across-the-board sequestration reduction to payments authorized by the Budget Control Act of 2011; inpatient coding adjustment reductions authorized by the American Taxpayer Relief Act of...