DataGen partnered with the VBCExhibitHall and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) to host an informational webinar on CMS’ Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM), Unpacking the mandatory CMS TEAM model: Overcome new rules & challenges. During this one-hour session, attendees received valuable TEAM insights provided by Alyssa Dahl, vice president of advanced analytics at DataGen, and Erin Hahn, lead policy analyst of value-based care and quality at the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). However, some attendees had good questions that we wanted to elaborate on — hence, the creation of this blog post! Speakers answer your webinar Q&As With great participant questions during the Q&A portion, Dahl and Hahn took time to expand on their answers to provide more clarity.* So, if you’re a hospital with mandatory TEAM participation status, keep reading to unpack the new rules and challenges. Q1: What happens...